HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2437th character |
RADICAL | ⾏ (144.3) |
INDEX # | 1582 |
overflow, spill over, spread out
衍 yǎn |

敷衍 fū yǎn | to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by |
繁衍 fán yǎn | to multiply; to reproduce; to increase gradually in number or quantity |
衍生 yǎn shēng | to give rise to; to derive; derivative; derivation |
敷衍了事 fū yǎn liǎo shì | to skimp; to work half-heartedly; not to bother |
衍生物 yǎn shēng wù | a derivative (complex product derived from simpler source material) |
衍射 yǎn shè | diffraction |
衍变 yǎn biàn | to develop; to evolve |
敷衍塞责 fū yǎn sè zé | to skimp on the job; to work half-heartedly; not to take the job seriously |
罗摩衍那 luó mó yǎn nà | the Ramayana (Indian epic) |
信贷衍生产品 xìn dài yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn | credit derivative (in finance) |
信貸衍生產品 xìn dài yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn | credit derivative (in finance) |
夏衍 xià yǎn | Xia Yan (1900-1995), Chinese writer, playwright, socialist critic and movie pioneer |
推衍 tuī yǎn | to deduce; to infer; an implication; same as 推演 |
敷衍塞責 fū yǎn sè zé | to skimp on the job; to work half-heartedly; not to take the job seriously |
沃衍 wò yǎn | rich and fertile (soil) |
箧衍 qiè yǎn | bamboo box |
篋衍 qiè yǎn | bamboo box |
羅摩衍那 luó mó yǎn nà | the Ramayana (Indian epic) |
胄裔繁衍 zhòu yì fán yǎn | Descendants are great in numbers. (idiom) |
蕃衍 fán yǎn | variant of 繁衍[fan2 yan3] |
衍伸 yǎn shēn | to give rise (to); to spawn; to spread (to) |
衍化 yǎn huà | to evolve (of ideas, designs, constructions etc); to develop and change |
衍射格子 yǎn shè gé zi | diffraction grating (physics) |
衍射角 yǎn shè jiǎo | angle of diffraction (physics) |
衍生工具 yǎn shēng gōng jù | derivative (finance) |