HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2568th character |
RADICAL | ⽬ (109.9) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2896 |
look at, gaze at; observe
- look at, gaze at
- observe
- to observe
- to see
- old variant of 睹[du3]

目睹 mù dǔ | to witness; to see at first hand; to see with one's own eyes |
亲眼目睹 qīn yǎn mù dǔ | to see for oneself; to see with one's own eyes |
惨不忍睹 cǎn bù rěn dǔ | spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight; appalling scenes of devastation |
熟视无睹 shú shì wú dǔ | to pay no attention to a familiar sight; to ignore |
视若无睹 shì ruò wú dǔ | to turn a blind eye to |
有目共睹 yǒu mù gòng dǔ | anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see |
先睹为快 xiān dǔ wéi kuài | joy of first experience (idiom); the pleasure of reading sth for the first time |
耳闻目睹 ěr wén mù dǔ | to witness personally |
一睹 yī dǔ | to look; to have a glimpse at; to observe (sth's splendor) |
二十年目睹之怪现状 èr shí nián mù dǔ zhī guài xiàn zhuàng | The Strange State of the World Witnessed Over 20 Years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren 吳趼人|吴趼人[Wu2 Jian3 ren2] |
二十年目睹之怪現狀 èr shí nián mù dǔ zhī guài xiàn zhuàng | The Strange State of the World Witnessed Over 20 Years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren 吳趼人|吴趼人[Wu2 Jian3 ren2] |
先睹為快 xiān dǔ wéi kuài | joy of first experience (idiom); the pleasure of reading sth for the first time |
坐视无睹 zuò shì wú dǔ | to turn a blind eye to |
坐視無睹 zuò shì wú dǔ | to turn a blind eye to |
慘不忍睹 cǎn bù rěn dǔ | spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight; appalling scenes of devastation |
有目无睹 yǒu mù wú dǔ | has eyes but can't see (idiom); unable or unwilling to see the importance of sth; blind (to sth great) |
有目無睹 yǒu mù wú dǔ | has eyes but can't see (idiom); unable or unwilling to see the importance of sth; blind (to sth great) |
熟視無睹 shú shì wú dǔ | to pay no attention to a familiar sight; to ignore |
睹物思人 dǔ wù sī rén | seeing an object makes one miss its owner (idiom) |
耳聞目睹 ěr wén mù dǔ | to witness personally |
視若無睹 shì ruò wú dǔ | to turn a blind eye to |
親眼目睹 qīn yǎn mù dǔ | to see for oneself; to see with one's own eyes |
重睹天日 chóng dǔ tiān rì | to see the light again (idiom); delivered from oppression |