
wrinkles, creases, folds

HSK 6 #1954


  • wrinkles, creases, folds
  • to wrinkle
  • wrinkled
  • to crease



纹 zhòu wén wrinkle; CL:道[dao4]
zhě zhòu fold; crease; wrinkle; geological fold
眉 zhòu méi to frown; to knit one's brow
眉头 zhòu méi tóu to scowl; to knit the brows
巴巴 zhòu bā bā wrinkled; crumpled; unironed
褶 zhòu zhě creased; wrinkled; fold; crease
nòng zhòu to crumple
zhé zhòu fold; crease; wrinkle
折 zhòu zhé crease; fold; ripple; lap
摺 zhòu zhé see 皺折|皱折[zhou4 zhe2]
缩 zhòu suō to wrinkle; wrinkled up
叶欧芹 zhòu yè ōu qín curled-leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
起 zhòu qǐ to purse; to pucker (up)
花冠盔犀鸟 huā guān zhòu kuī xī niǎo (bird species of China) wreathed hornbill (Rhyticeros undulatus)
山系 zhě zhòu shān xì fold mountain system (geology)
山脉 zhě zhòu shān mài fold mountain range (geology)
纹 qǐ zhòu wén to shrivel
wēi zhòu slightly wrinkled; referring to a slight crease or wrinkle, often used to describe the forehead or facial expression
成 zhòu chéng wrinkle into; to become wrinkled or furrowed
jǐn zhòu tight frown; to furrow tightly, usually used to describe a facial expression with a tightly wrinkled forehead
着眉头 zhòu zhe méi tóu frowning; having a wrinkled forehead as a sign of worry or displeasure
yī zhòu a frown; a wrinkle on the forehead
紧 zhòu jǐn frown tightly; to wrinkle the forehead in a tight manner
qīng zhòu lightly furrowed; to have a slight frown or wrinkle on the forehead
西泽 xī zé zhòu Xi Ze frowned
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