
wrinkles, creases, folds


皺 zhòu
  • to wrinkle
  • wrinkled
  • to crease


nòng zhòu to crumple
zhé zhòu fold; crease; wrinkle
巴巴 zhòu bā bā wrinkled; crumpled; unironed
折 zhòu zhé crease; fold; ripple; lap
摺 zhòu zhé see 皺折|皱折[zhou4 zhe2]
眉 zhòu méi to frown; to knit one's brow
眉頭 zhòu méi tóu to scowl; to knit the brows
紋 zhòu wén wrinkle; CL:道[dao4]
縮 zhòu suō to wrinkle; wrinkled up
葉歐芹 zhòu yè ōu qín curled-leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
褶 zhòu zhě creased; wrinkled; fold; crease
起 zhòu qǐ to purse; to pucker (up)
花冠盔犀鳥 huā guān zhòu kuī xī niǎo (bird species of China) wreathed hornbill (Rhyticeros undulatus)
zhě zhòu fold; crease; wrinkle; geological fold
山系 zhě zhòu shān xì fold mountain system (geology)
山脈 zhě zhòu shān mài fold mountain range (geology)
紋 qǐ zhòu wén to shrivel
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