HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1852nd character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3045 |
sew, mend
缝 fèng |
缝 féng |

裁缝 cái féng | tailor; dressmaker |
裂缝 liè fèng | crack; crevice; CL:道[dao4] |
缝合 féng hé | to sew together; suture (in surgery); to sew up (a wound) |
天衣无缝 tiān yī wú fèng | lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom); fig. flawless |
缝纫 féng rèn | to sew; tailoring |
缝隙 fèng xì | small crack; chink |
缝制 féng zhì | to sew; to make (clothes, bedding) |
牙缝 yá fèng | gap between teeth |
缝纫机 féng rèn jī | sewing machine; CL:架[jia4] |
严丝合缝 yán sī hé fèng | to fit tightly (idiom); to join seamlessly; to fit snugly |
无缝 wú fèng | seamless |
缝补 féng bǔ | to darn (clothing); to sew and mend |
裁缝店 cái féng diàn | tailor's shop |
夹缝 jiā fèng | crack; crevice |
缝衣针 féng yī zhēn | sewing needle |
中缝 zhōng fèng | vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages; vertical line on the back of clothing |
见缝插针 jiàn fèng chā zhēn | lit. to see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every second and every inch |
分缝 fēn fèng | part (in one's hair) |
勾缝 gōu fèng | to point a brick wall; to grout a tiled surface |
合缝 hé fèng | to form a seam; to join up |
女装裁缝师 nǚ zhuāng cái feng shī | dressmaker |
密缝 mì féng | tight seam; to calk |
弥缝 mí féng | to cover up mistakes or crimes; to stitch up; to fix |
手缝 shǒu féng | to sew by hand; hand-sewn |
折缝 zhé féng | welt seam (doubled over and sewed again from topside) |