HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2216th character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2469 |
seize, catch; reach, arrive
逮 dǎi |
逮 dài |

逮捕 dài bǔ | to arrest; to apprehend; an arrest |
不逮捕特权 bù dài bǔ tè quán | the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee |
不逮捕特權 bù dài bǔ tè quán | the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee |
力有未逮 lì yǒu wèi dài | beyond one's reach or power (to do sth) |
狗逮老鼠 gǒu dǎi lǎo shǔ | lit. a dog who catches mice (idiom); fig. to be meddlesome |
逮住 dǎi zhù | to catch; to seize |
逮捕令 dài bǔ lìng | arrest warrant; an official order authorizing the detention of someone |