
weapons; implements, instruments

HSK 6 #1657


  • weapons
  • implements, instruments
  • appliance
  • tool
  • weapon
  • shackles
  • also pr. [jie4]


械 stroke order diagram
械 stroke order animation


jī xiè machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming
qiāng xiè firearm
qì xiè apparatus; instrument; equipment; weapon
chí xiè armed (robbery etc)
师 jī xiè shī mechanic; engineer; machinist; machine operator; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
化 jī xiè huà to mechanize
jiǎo xiè to disarm; to lay down one's weapons; to surrender
斗 xiè dòu armed confrontation; bust-up between gangs
上海振华港口机 shàng hǎi zhèn huá gǎng kǒu jī xiè Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company
上海振華港口機 shàng hǎi zhèn huá gǎng kǒu jī xiè Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company
中国精密机进出口公司 zhōng guó jīng mì jī xiè jìn chū kǒu gōng sī China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC)
中國精密機進出口公司 zhōng guó jīng mì jī xiè jìn chū kǒu gōng sī China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC)
挖掘机 wā jué jī xiè excavator; bulldozer
挖掘機 wā jué jī xiè excavator; bulldozer
系 xiè xì to arrest and shackle; to clap in irons
繫 xiè xì to arrest and shackle; to clap in irons
鬥 xiè dòu armed confrontation; bust-up between gangs
qiāng xiè firearm
jī xiè machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming
化 jī xiè huà to mechanize
工 jī xiè gōng a mechanic
工 jī xiè gōng a mechanic
工人 jī xiè gōng rén mechanic
工人 jī xiè gōng rén mechanic
工程 jī xiè gōng chéng mechanical engineering
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