HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2102nd character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1803 |
pass away; die
- pass away
- die
- (of time) to pass
- to die

逝世 shì shì | to pass away; to die |
流逝 liú shì | (of time) to pass; to elapse |
逝去 shì qù | to elapse; to pass away; to die; demise |
消逝 xiāo shì | to fade away |
飞逝 fēi shì | (of time) to pass quickly; to be fleeting |
英年早逝 yīng nián zǎo shì | to die an untimely death (idiom); to be cut off in one's prime |
稍纵即逝 shāo zòng jí shì | transient; fleeting |
早逝 zǎo shì | early demise; untimely death |
病逝 bìng shì | to die of illness |
仙逝 xiān shì | to die; to depart this mortal coil |
去逝 qù shì | to pass away; to die |
易逝 yì shì | passing; transient; fugitive |
岁月流逝 suì yuè liú shì | as time goes by (idiom) |
歲月流逝 suì yuè liú shì | as time goes by (idiom) |
永逝 yǒng shì | gone forever; to die |
稍縱即逝 shāo zòng jí shì | transient; fleeting |
转眼即逝 zhuǎn yǎn jí shì | to pass in an instant; over in the twinkling of an eye |
轉眼即逝 zhuǎn yǎn jí shì | to pass in an instant; over in the twinkling of an eye |
逝者 shì zhě | the dead or departed |
长逝 cháng shì | to depart this life; to be no more |
長逝 cháng shì | to depart this life; to be no more |
飛逝 fēi shì | (of time) to pass quickly; to be fleeting |
转瞬即逝 zhuǎn shùn jí shì | momentary; fleeting; passing in the blink of an eye |