HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2556th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.10) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3081 |
placard; list of successful exam candidates
榜 bǎng |
榜 pèng |
榜 bàng |

榜样 bǎng yàng | example; model; CL:個|个[ge4] |
排行榜 pái háng bǎng | the charts (of best-sellers); table of ranking |
榜首 bǎng shǒu | top of the list |
标榜 biāo bǎng | to flaunt; to advertise; to parade; boost; excessive praise |
光荣榜 guāng róng bǎng | honor roll |
落榜 luò bǎng | to fail the imperial exams; to flunk |
金榜题名 jīn bǎng tí míng | to win top marks in the imperial examinations |
上榜 shàng bǎng | to appear on the public roll of successful examinees (i.e. pass an exam); to make the list; (of a song) to hit the charts |
光榮榜 guāng róng bǎng | honor roll |
出榜 chū bǎng | to publish class list of successful exam candidates |
封神榜 fēng shén bǎng | Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty vernacular novel of mythology and fantasy, very loosely based on King Wu of Zhou's 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] overthrow of the Shang, subsequent material for opera, film, TV series, computer games etc |
排名榜 pái míng bǎng | ranking; ordered list; top 20; roll of honor; to come nth out of 100 |
榜樣 bǎng yàng | example; model; CL:個|个[ge4] |
榜眼 bǎng yǎn | candidate who came second in the Han-lin examination; see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2] |
榜笞 bàng chī | to beat; to flog; to whip |
榜葛剌 bǎng gé là | old Chinese name for Bengal, now written 孟加拉[Meng4 jia1 la1] |
標榜 biāo bǎng | to flaunt; to advertise; to parade; boost; excessive praise |
奖牌榜 jiǎng pái bǎng | medal table; tally of trophies; list of prizewinners |
獎牌榜 jiǎng pái bǎng | medal table; tally of trophies; list of prizewinners |
甘榜 gān bǎng | kampong (loanword); also pr. gānbōng, imitating Malay |
发榜 fā bǎng | to publish a roll-call of successful candidates |
發榜 fā bǎng | to publish a roll-call of successful candidates |
秋榜 qiū bǎng | results of the autumn imperial examinations |
积分榜 jī fēn bǎng | table of scores (in exams or sports league) |
積分榜 jī fēn bǎng | table of scores (in exams or sports league) |