HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1616th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2442 |
fear, be afraid of, dread
- fear, be afraid of, dread
- to fear

恐惧 kǒng jù | to be frightened; fear; dread |
畏惧 wèi jù | to fear; to dread; foreboding |
惧怕 jù pà | to be afraid |
恐惧症 kǒng jù zhèng | phobia |
惧高症 jù gāo zhèng | acrophobia |
惊惧 jīng jù | to be alarmed; to be terrified |
疑惧 yí jù | misgivings |
危惧 wēi jù | afraid; apprehensive |
同性恋恐惧症 tóng xìng liàn kǒng jù zhèng | homophobia |
坦然无惧 tǎn rán wú jù | remain calm and undaunted |
幽闭恐惧 yōu bì kǒng jù | claustrophobia |
幽闭恐惧症 yōu bì kǒng jù zhèng | claustrophobia |
广场恐惧 guǎng chǎng kǒng jù | agoraphobia |
广场恐惧症 guǎng chǎng kǒng jù zhèng | agoraphobia |
怵惧 chù jù | fear; dread; panic |
忧惧 yōu jù | apprehension; apprehensive |
惧内 jù nèi | henpecked |
戒惧 jiè jù | wary |
社交恐惧症 shè jiāo kǒng jù zhèng | social phobia; social anxiety |
感到恐惧 gǎn dào kǒng jù | feel fear; experience a sense of dread |
无所畏惧 wú suǒ wèi jù | fearless; dauntless; without fear or trepidation |
为惧 wèi jù | not be enough to be feared; not sufficient to inspire fear or concern |
何惧 hé jù | why fear; what is there to fear |
为惧 wéi jù | insufficient to fear; not enough to be feared |
恐惧感 kǒng jù gǎn | a feeling of fear; an emotional sense of being afraid or anxious about something |