HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1798th character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.4) |
INDEX # | 879 |
wide, spacious, great, vast
- wide, spacious, great, vast
- great
- magnificent
- macro (computing)
- macro-

宏伟 hóng wěi | grand; imposing; magnificent |
宏观 hóng guān | macro-; macroscopic; holistic |
宏大 hóng dà | great; grand |
宏图 hóng tú | major undertaking; vast plan; grand prospect |
恢宏 huī hóng | to develop; vast; broad; generous |
宏亮 hóng liàng | see 洪亮[hong2 liang4] |
宏愿 hóng yuàn | great aspiration; great ambition |
宏偉 hóng wěi | grand; imposing; magnificent |
宏伟区 hóng wěi qū | Hongwei district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning |
宏偉區 hóng wěi qū | Hongwei district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning |
宏儒 hóng rú | learned scholar |
宏圖 hóng tú | major undertaking; vast plan; grand prospect |
宏扬 hóng yáng | variant of 弘揚|弘扬[hong2 yang2] |
宏揚 hóng yáng | variant of 弘揚|弘扬[hong2 yang2] |
宏旨 hóng zhǐ | gist; main idea |
宏病毒 hóng bìng dú | macro virus (computing) |
宏碁 hóng jī | Acer, Taiwanese computer hardware company |
宏碁集团 hóng jī jí tuán | Acer, Taiwanese PC company |
宏碁集團 hóng jī jí tuán | Acer, Taiwanese PC company |
宏觀 hóng guān | macro-; macroscopic; holistic |
宏观世界 hóng guān shì jiè | macrocosm; the world in the large |
宏觀世界 hóng guān shì jiè | macrocosm; the world in the large |
宏观经济 hóng guān jīng jì | macroeconomic |
宏觀經濟 hóng guān jīng jì | macroeconomic |
宏观调控 hóng guān tiáo kòng | macro-control |