HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2495th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.5) |
INDEX # | 1239 |
froth, foam, bubbles, suds
沫 mò |

泡沫 pào mò | foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble |
唾沫 tuò mo | spittle; saliva |
泡沫塑料 pào mò sù liào | styrofoam |
白沫 bái mò | froth; foam (coming from the mouth) |
吐沫 tù mo | saliva; spittle |
相濡以沫 xiāng rú yǐ mò | to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources; mutual help in humble circumstances |
肥皂沫 féi zào mò | soapy lather; foam |
住宅泡沫 zhù zhái pào mò | housing bubble |
口沫 kǒu mò | spittle; saliva |
史沫特莱 shǐ mò tè lái | Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist and activist, reported on China, esp. the communist side |
史沫特萊 shǐ mò tè lái | Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist and activist, reported on China, esp. the communist side |
唾沫星子 tuò mò xīng zi | sputter |
廖沫沙 liào mò shā | Liao Mosha (1907-1990), journalist and communist propagandist, severely criticized and imprisoned for 10 years during the Cultural Revolution |
泡沫经济 pào mò jīng jì | bubble economy |
泡沫經濟 pào mò jīng jì | bubble economy |
涎沫 xián mò | spittle |
濡沫涸辙 rú mò hé zhé | to help each other out in hard times (idiom) |
濡沫涸轍 rú mò hé zhé | to help each other out in hard times (idiom) |
网状泡沫 wǎng zhuàng pào mò | reticulated foam |
網狀泡沫 wǎng zhuàng pào mò | reticulated foam |
肉沫 ròu mò | minced pork |
艾格尼丝・史沫特莱 ài gé ní sī ・ shǐ mò tè lái | Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist who reported on China, esp. the communist side |
艾格尼絲・史沫特萊 ài gé ní sī ・ shǐ mò tè lái | Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist who reported on China, esp. the communist side |
起泡沫 qǐ pào mò | to emit bubbles; to bubble; to foam (with rage); to seethe |
郭沫若 guō mò ruò | Guo Moruo (1892-1978), writer, communist party intellectual and cultural apparatchik |