HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1867th character |
RADICAL | ⾣ (164.7) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3087 |
strong, stimulating; very
- strong, stimulating
- very
- ruthless
- strong (e.g. of wine)
- (loanword) cool
- hip

残酷 cán kù | cruel; cruelty |
冷酷 lěng kù | grim; unfeeling; callous |
酷刑 kù xíng | cruelty; torture |
严酷 yán kù | bitter; harsh; grim; ruthless; severe; cut-throat (competition) |
酷爱 kù ài | to be keen on; to have a passion for |
酷热 kù rè | torrid heat |
残酷无情 cán kù wú qíng | cruel and unfeeling (idiom) |
酷似 kù sì | to strikingly resemble |
酷暑 kù shǔ | intense heat; extremely hot weather |
优酷 yōu kù | Youku (website) |
優酷 yōu kù | Youku (website) |
冷酷无情 lěng kù wú qíng | cold-hearted; unfeeling; callous |
冷酷無情 lěng kù wú qíng | cold-hearted; unfeeling; callous |
厌酷球孢子菌 yàn kù qiú bāo zǐ jūn | Coccidioides immitis |
厭酷球孢子菌 yàn kù qiú bāo zǐ jūn | Coccidioides immitis |
反酷刑折磨公约 fǎn kù xíng zhé mó gōng yuē | UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988) |
反酷刑折磨公約 fǎn kù xíng zhé mó gōng yuē | UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988) |
嚴酷 yán kù | bitter; harsh; grim; ruthless; severe; cut-throat (competition) |
扮酷 bàn kù | to act cool |
殘酷 cán kù | cruel; cruelty |
殘酷無情 cán kù wú qíng | cruel and unfeeling (idiom) |
炙酷 zhì kù | torrid weather |
跑酷 pǎo kù | parkour (loanword) |
酷儿 kù ér | queer (sexuality) |
酷兒 kù ér | queer (sexuality) |