HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1312th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1783 |
arrest, catch, seize
- arrest, catch, seize
- to catch
- to seize
- to capture

逮捕 dài bǔ | to arrest; to apprehend; an arrest |
捕捉 bǔ zhuō | to catch; to seize; to capture |
被捕 bèi bǔ | to be arrested; under arrest |
追捕 zhuī bǔ | to pursue; to be after; to hunt down |
拘捕 jū bǔ | to arrest |
抓捕 zhuā bǔ | to seize; to capture |
搜捕 sōu bǔ | to hunt and arrest (fugitives); to track down and arrest; a manhunt |
捕鱼 bǔ yú | to catch fish; to fish |
捕获 bǔ huò | to catch; to capture; to seize |
捕猎 bǔ liè | hunting |
拒捕 jù bǔ | to resist arrest |
捕杀 bǔ shā | to hunt and kill (an animal or fish) |
捕食 bǔ shí | to prey on; to catch and feed on; to hunt for food |
围捕 wéi bǔ | to fish by casting a net; to capture; to surround and seize |
诱捕 yòu bǔ | to lure into a trap; to trap; to capture |
捕风捉影 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng | lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations; to act on hearsay evidence |
捕捞 bǔ lāo | to fish for (aquatic animals and plants); to catch |
捕鼠器 bǔ shǔ qì | mousetrap |
猎捕 liè bǔ | to hunt; hunting |
缉捕 jī bǔ | to seize; to apprehend; an arrest |
捕头 bǔ tóu | constable |
巡捕 xún bǔ | to patrol; policeman (in China's former foreign concessions) |
批捕 pī bǔ | to authorize an arrest |
不逮捕特权 bù dài bǔ tè quán | the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee |
不逮捕特權 bù dài bǔ tè quán | the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee |