arrest, catch, seize

HSK 6 #1312


  • arrest, catch, seize
  • to catch
  • to seize
  • to capture


捕 stroke order diagram
捕 stroke order animation


dōu bǔ to round up (fugitives); to corner and arrest
wéi bǔ to fish by casting a net; to capture; to surround and seize
头 dà bǔ tóu head constable
頭 dà bǔ tóu head constable
房 xún bǔ fáng (old) police station in a foreign concession 租界[zu1 jie4]
ná bǔ to detain; to apprehend; to capture
zhuō bǔ to arrest; to seize; to capture
器 zhuō bǔ qì trap (for animals etc)
俘 bǔ fú to capture enemy personnel (for intelligence purposes)
快 bǔ kuài bailiff responsible for catching criminals (in imperial China)
手 bǔ shǒu catcher
拿 bǔ ná to arrest; to capture; to catch
撈 bǔ lāo to fish for (aquatic animals and plants); to catch
殺 bǔ shā to hunt and kill (an animal or fish)
獲 bǔ huò to catch; to capture; to seize
獵 bǔ liè hunting
禽人 bǔ qín rén bird-catcher; fowler
虏岩 bǔ lǔ yán xenolith (geology)
虜岩 bǔ lǔ yán xenolith (geology)
虫叶 bǔ chóng yè insect-catching leaf
蟲葉 bǔ chóng yè insect-catching leaf
頭 bǔ tóu constable
風捉影 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations; to act on hearsay evidence
魚 bǔ yú to catch fish; to fish
鲸 bǔ jīng whaling