HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2911th character |
RADICAL | ⼴ (53.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2989 |
broad, wide, open, empty; to expand
- broad, wide, open, empty
- to expand
- big
- empty
- open

轮廓 lún kuò | an outline; silhouette |
八廓 bā kuò | Barkhor, pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet |
八廓街 bā kuò jiē | Barkhor street, central business area and pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet |
廓清 kuò qīng | to clear up; to wipe out; to eradicate |
耳廓 ěr kuò | outer ear; auricle; pinna |
耳廓狐 ěr kuò hú | fennec; Vulpes zerda |
声调轮廓 shēng diào lún kuò | tone contour |
聲調輪廓 shēng diào lún kuò | tone contour |
胸廓 xiōng kuò | thorax |
胸廓切开术 xiōng kuò qiē kāi shù | thoracotomy (medicine) |
胸廓切開術 xiōng kuò qiē kāi shù | thoracotomy (medicine) |
輪廓 lún kuò | an outline; silhouette |
轮廓线 lún kuò xiàn | an outline; silhouette |
輪廓線 lún kuò xiàn | an outline; silhouette |
轮廓鲜明 lún kuò xiān míng | sharp image; clear-cut; in bold outline; in sharp relief |
輪廓鮮明 lún kuò xiān míng | sharp image; clear-cut; in bold outline; in sharp relief |