
melt, cast; coin, mint

HSK 6 #2530


  • melt, cast
  • coin, mint
  • to cast or found metals



造 zhù zào to cast (pour metal into a mold)
成 zhù chéng to cast in metal; (fig.) to forge; to fashion
铁 zhù tiě pig iron; foundry iron
币 zhù bì coin; to mint (coins)
jiāo zhù to cast (molten metal); to mold
件 zhù jiàn casting; foundry goods
冀朝 jì cháo zhù Ji Chaozhu (1929-2020), Chinese diplomat
yě zhù to smelt and cast
lián zhù continuous casting (metallurgy)
金铜合 jīn tóng hé zhù copper gold alloy
工 zhù gōng foundry work; foundry worker
工车间 zhù gōng chē jiān foundry (workshop or factory)
成大错 zhù chéng dà cuò to make a serious mistake (idiom)
铜 zhù tóng bronze casting
就 zhù jiù to forge or create; typically used to describe forming something significant or strong, often through effort or skill
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