HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1379th character |
RADICAL | ⽹ (122.8) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2930 |
public office
- public office
- office
- bureau
- to sign
- to arrange

签署 qiān shǔ | to sign (an agreement) |
部署 bù shǔ | to dispose; to deploy; deployment |
警署 jǐng shǔ | police station (abbr. for 警察署[jing3 cha2 shu3]) |
署名 shǔ míng | to sign (a signature) |
总署 zǒng shǔ | general office |
警察署 jǐng chá shǔ | police station |
公署 gōng shǔ | government office |
联署 lián shǔ | joint signatures (on a letter or declaration) |
官署 guān shǔ | official institution; state bureau |
海关总署 hǎi guān zǒng shǔ | General Administration of Customs (GAC) |
世界粮食署 shì jiè liáng shi shǔ | World food program (United Nations aid agency) |
世界糧食署 shì jiè liáng shi shǔ | World food program (United Nations aid agency) |
内政部警政署 nèi zhèng bù jǐng zhèng shǔ | National Police Agency (Tw) |
內政部警政署 nèi zhèng bù jǐng zhèng shǔ | National Police Agency (Tw) |
地检署 dì jiǎn shǔ | district prosecutor's office |
地檢署 dì jiǎn shǔ | district prosecutor's office |
审计署 shěn jì shǔ | audit office; public accounts committee |
審計署 shěn jì shǔ | audit office; public accounts committee |
布署 bù shǔ | variant of 部署[bu4 shu3] |
廉政公署 lián zhèng gōng shǔ | Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong (ICAC) |
廉署 lián shǔ | ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong |
德国学术交流总署 dé guó xué shù jiāo liú zǒng shǔ | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Tw) |
德國學術交流總署 dé guó xué shù jiāo liú zǒng shǔ | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Tw) |
新闻出版总署 xīn wén chū bǎn zǒng shǔ | General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization) |
新聞出版總署 xīn wén chū bǎn zǒng shǔ | General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization) |