HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1821st character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.8) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2703 |
punish, reprimand; warn
- punish, reprimand
- warn
- to punish
- to reprimand
- to warn

惩罚 chéng fá | penalty; punishment; to punish |
惩戒 chéng jiè | to discipline; reprimand |
严惩 yán chéng | to punish severely |
惩治 chéng zhì | to punish |
惩罚性 chéng fá xìng | punitive |
惩处 chéng chǔ | to punish; to administer justice |
惩办 chéng bàn | to punish (someone); to take disciplinary action against (someone) |
严惩不贷 yán chéng bù dài | to punish severely (idiom) |
劝善惩恶 quàn shàn chéng è | to encourage virtue and punish evil (idiom); fig. poetic justice; you get what's coming to you |
小惩大诫 xiǎo chéng dà jiè | lit. to punish a little to prevent a lot (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent large scale repetition |
从严惩处 cóng yán chéng chǔ | to deal with sb severely (idiom) |
惩一儆百 chéng yī jǐng bǎi | lit. punish one, warn one hundred (idiom); fig. to make an example of sb |
惩一警百 chéng yī jǐng bǎi | lit. punish one, warn one hundred (idiom); fig. to make an example of sb; also written 懲一儆百|惩一儆百[cheng2 yi1 jing3 bai3] |
惩前毖后 chéng qián bì hòu | lit. to punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again |
惩恶劝善 chéng è quàn shàn | see 懲惡揚善|惩恶扬善[cheng2 e4 yang2 shan4] |
惩恶扬善 chéng è yáng shàn | to uphold virtue and condemn evil (idiom) |
奖惩 jiǎng chéng | rewards and penalties |
重惩 zhòng chéng | to punish severely |