HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2793rd character |
RADICAL | ⼴ (53.4) |
INDEX # | 833 |
cover, shield, shelter, protect
庇 bì |

包庇 bāo bì | to shield; to harbor; to cover up |
庇护 bì hù | asylum; shelter; to shield; to put under protection; to take under one's wing |
庇佑 bì yòu | to bless; to protect; protection (esp. divine) |
亚庇 yà bì | Kota Kinabalu (capital of Sabah state, Malaysia) |
亞庇 yà bì | Kota Kinabalu (capital of Sabah state, Malaysia) |
外交庇护 wài jiāo bì hù | diplomatic asylum |
外交庇護 wài jiāo bì hù | diplomatic asylum |
大西庇阿 dà xī bì ā | Scipio Africanus (235-183 BC), Roman general and statesman |
庇古 bì gǔ | Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959), British economist |
庇祐 bì yòu | to bless; to protect; protection (esp. divine); also written 庇佑[bi4 you4] |
庇荫 bì yìn | to give shade (of a tree etc); to shield |
庇蔭 bì yìn | to give shade (of a tree etc); to shield |
庇西特拉图 bì xī tè lā tú | Pisistratus (-528 BC), tyrant (ruler) of Athens at different times between 561 BC and 528 BC |
庇西特拉圖 bì xī tè lā tú | Pisistratus (-528 BC), tyrant (ruler) of Athens at different times between 561 BC and 528 BC |
庇護 bì hù | asylum; shelter; to shield; to put under protection; to take under one's wing |
托庇 tuō bì | to rely on sb for protection |
政治庇护 zhèng zhì bì hù | political asylum |
政治庇護 zhèng zhì bì hù | political asylum |
朱庇特 zhū bì tè | Jupiter (Roman god) |
欧里庇得斯 ōu lǐ bì dé sī | Euripides (c. 480-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Medea, Trojan Women etc |
歐里庇得斯 ōu lǐ bì dé sī | Euripides (c. 480-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Medea, Trojan Women etc |
罗伯斯庇尔 luó bó sī bì ěr | Robespierre (name); Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (1758-1794), French revolutionary leader, enthusiastic advocate of reign of terror 1791-1794 |
羅伯斯庇爾 luó bó sī bì ěr | Robespierre (name); Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (1758-1794), French revolutionary leader, enthusiastic advocate of reign of terror 1791-1794 |
袒庇 tǎn bì | to shield; to harbor; to cover up |
庇护所 bì hù suǒ | shelter; refuge |