HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1654th character |
RADICAL | ⽝ (94.6) |
INDEX # | 1606 |
vicious, cruel; severely, extreme
狠 hěn |

狠心 hěn xīn | callous; heartless |
狠狠 hěn hěn | resolutely; firmly; ferociously; ruthlessly |
凶狠 xiōng hěn | variant of 凶狠[xiong1 hen3]; cruel; vicious; fierce and malicious; vengeful |
狠毒 hěn dú | vicious; malicious; savage |
心狠手辣 xīn hěn shǒu là | vicious and merciless (idiom) |
恶狠狠 è hěn hěn | very fierce |
狠命 hěn mìng | exerting all one's strength |
兇狠 xiōng hěn | variant of 凶狠[xiong1 hen3]; cruel; vicious; fierce and malicious; vengeful |
恶狠 è hěn | fierce and vicious |
惡狠 è hěn | fierce and vicious |
惡狠狠 è hěn hěn | very fierce |
狠劲 hěn jìn | to exert all one's force; all-out effort; CL:股[gu3] |
狠勁 hěn jìn | to exert all one's force; all-out effort; CL:股[gu3] |
狠巴巴 hěn bā bā | very fierce |
算你狠 suàn nǐ hěn | you got me!; you win!; you are something! |
狠话 hěn huà | harsh words; mean or cruel words |
狠戾 hěn lì | fierceness; ferocity; extreme harshness |
狠辣 hěn là | ferocious; describes an action or person that is ruthlessly aggressive or intense |
狠狠心 hěn hěn xīn | to steel oneself; to summon up one's courage |
更狠 gèng hěn | even more ruthless |
心狠 xīn hěn | cruel-hearted; merciless |
狠揍 hěn zòu | to beat up severely |
太狠 tài hěn | too harsh; overly severe |
最狠 zuì hěn | the most ruthless; indicating the extreme level of severity or ruthlessness |
阴狠 yīn hěn | ruthless and sinister; describes someone who is malevolent and merciless, often with a cruel or scheming nature |