HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1619th character |
RADICAL | ⽫ (108.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2388 |
rob, steal; thief, bandit
- rob, steal
- thief, bandit
- to steal
- to rob
- to plunder
- thief
- bandit
- robber

盗窃 dào qiè | to steal |
海盗 hǎi dào | pirate |
强盗 qiáng dào | to rob (with force); bandit; robber; CL:個|个[ge4] |
盗贼 dào zéi | robber |
偷盗 tōu dào | to steal |
盗用 dào yòng | to embezzle; to defraud; to use illegitimately; to misappropriate |
盗取 dào qǔ | to steal (including identity theft, credit card fraud or theft of computer account); to misappropriate |
盗墓 dào mù | to rob a tomb |
防盗 fáng dào | to guard against theft; anti-theft |
盗版 dào bǎn | pirated; illegal; see also 正版[zheng4 ban3] |
监守自盗 jiān shǒu zì dào | to embezzle |
掩耳盗铃 yǎn ěr dào líng | lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (idiom) |
盗汗 dào hàn | night sweats |
防盗门 fáng dào mén | security door |
盗匪 dào fěi | bandit |
欺世盗名 qī shì dào míng | to fool the world and usurp a good name (idiom) |
匪盗 fěi dào | bandit |
失盗 shī dào | to have sth stolen; to lose to theft; robbed |
二连巨盗龙 èr lián jù dào lóng | Gigantoraptor erlianensis (a giant bird-like dinosaur found in Erlian in Inner Mongolia) |
伶盗龙 líng dào lóng | velociraptor (dinosaur) |
侠盗猎车手 xiá dào liè chē shǒu | Grand Theft Auto (video game series) |
侠盗飞车 xiá dào fēi chē | Grand Theft Auto (video game series) |
古盗鸟 gǔ dào niǎo | Archaeoraptor (bird-like dinosaur) |
采花大盗 cǎi huā dà dào | lit. flower thief; fig. rapist |
海盗行为 hǎi dào xíng wéi | piracy |