HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 3562nd character |
RADICAL | ⽍ (78.5) |
INDEX # | 1461 |
misfortune, disaster, calamity
- misfortune, disaster, calamity
- calamity

遭殃 zāo yāng | to suffer a calamity |
殃及 yāng jí | to bring disaster to |
城门失火,殃及池鱼 chéng mén shī huǒ , yāng jí chí yú | a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat (idiom); the bystander will also suffer; fig. you can't escape responsibility for your actions; ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for thee |
城門失火,殃及池魚 chéng mén shī huǒ , yāng jí chí yú | a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat (idiom); the bystander will also suffer; fig. you can't escape responsibility for your actions; ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for thee |
灾殃 zāi yāng | disaster |
災殃 zāi yāng | disaster |
病国殃民 bìng guó yāng mín | to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom) |
病國殃民 bìng guó yāng mín | to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom) |
病病殃殃 bìng bing yāng yāng | seriously ill; in fragile health |
祸国殃民 huò guó yāng mín | to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom) |
禍國殃民 huò guó yāng mín | to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom) |
积恶余殃 jī è yú yāng | Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom). |
積惡餘殃 jī è yú yāng | Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom). |