HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1348th character |
RADICAL | ⿁ (194.4) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2830 |
soul, spirit
- soul, spirit
- old variant of 魂[hun2]
- soul
- spirit
- immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body

灵魂 líng hún | soul; spirit |
鬼魂 guǐ hún | ghost |
神魂 shén hún | mind; state of mind (often abnormal) |
销魂 xiāo hún | ecstasy; rapture; to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow |
阴魂 yīn hún | ghost; spirit |
魂魄 hún pò | soul |
惊魂 jīng hún | in a panicked state; frightened |
亡魂 wáng hún | soul of the deceased; departed spirit |
冤魂 yuān hún | ghost of one who died unjustly; departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievances |
还魂 huán hún | to return from the grave; (old) to recycle (waste products) |
魂灵 hún líng | soul; mind; idea |
孤魂 gū hún | lonely soul |
魂飞魄散 hún fēi pò sàn | lit. the soul flies away and scatters (idiom); fig. to be frightened stiff; spooked out of one's mind; terror-stricken |
魂牵梦萦 hún qiān mèng yíng | to miss; to yearn day and night |
幽魂 yōu hún | ghost; spirit (of the dead) |
迷魂阵 mí hún zhèn | stratagem to trap sb; to bewitch and trap |
迷魂汤 mí hún tāng | potion that makes the soul forget its previous life; (fig.) words or actions intended to attract sb's interest |
三魂 sān hún | three immortal souls in Daoism, representing spirit and intellect |
三魂七魄 sān hún qī pò | three immortal souls and seven mortal forms in Daoism, contrasting the spiritual and carnal side of man |
丢魂 diū hún | to be distracted |
丟魂 diū hún | to be distracted |
丢魂落魄 diū hún luò pò | see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] |
丟魂落魄 diū hún luò pò | see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] |
借尸还魂 jiè shī huán hún | lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise |
借屍還魂 jiè shī huán hún | lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise |