HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1802nd character |
RADICAL | ⼫ (44.12) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3312 |
footwear, shoes; walk on, tread
- footwear, shoes
- walk on, tread
- shoe
- to tread on

履行 lǚ xíng | to fulfill (one's obligations); to carry out (a task); to implement (an agreement); to perform |
履历 lǚ lì | background (academic and work); curriculum vitae; résumé |
西装革履 xī zhuāng gé lǚ | dressed in Western-style clothes; impeccably attired |
如履薄冰 rú lǚ bó bīng | lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom); fig. to be extremely cautious; to be skating on thin ice |
步履 bù lǚ | gait; to walk |
履历表 lǚ lì biǎo | curriculum vitae (CV); resume |
步履维艰 bù lǚ wéi jiān | to have difficulty walking (idiom); to walk with difficulty |
履约 lǚ yuē | to keep a promise; to honor an agreement |
履带 lǚ dài | caterpillar track (propulsion system used on bulldozers etc); (literary) shoes and belt |
削足适履 xuē zú shì lǚ | to cut the feet to fit the shoes (idiom); to force sth to fit (as to a Procrustean bed); impractical or inelegant solution |
削足適履 xuē zú shì lǚ | to cut the feet to fit the shoes (idiom); to force sth to fit (as to a Procrustean bed); impractical or inelegant solution |
半履带车 bàn lǚ dài chē | half-track (vehicle with wheels at the front and continuous tracks in the rear) |
半履帶車 bàn lǚ dài chē | half-track (vehicle with wheels at the front and continuous tracks in the rear) |
履帶 lǚ dài | caterpillar track (propulsion system used on bulldozers etc); (literary) shoes and belt |
履歷 lǚ lì | background (academic and work); curriculum vitae; résumé |
履历片 lǚ lì piàn | curriculum vitae (CV) |
履歷片 lǚ lì piàn | curriculum vitae (CV) |
履歷表 lǚ lì biǎo | curriculum vitae (CV); resume |
履約 lǚ yuē | to keep a promise; to honor an agreement |
履约保证金 lǚ yuē bǎo zhèng jīn | performance bond (international trade) |
履約保證金 lǚ yuē bǎo zhèng jīn | performance bond (international trade) |
履舄交错 lǚ xì jiāo cuò | lit. shoes and slippers muddled together (idiom); fig. many guests come and go; a lively party |
履舄交錯 lǚ xì jiāo cuò | lit. shoes and slippers muddled together (idiom); fig. many guests come and go; a lively party |
履践 lǚ jiàn | to carry out (a task) |
履踐 lǚ jiàn | to carry out (a task) |