spur a horse on; expel, drive away

HSK 6 #1511


  • spur a horse on
  • expel, drive away
  • variant of 驅|驱[qu1]
  • old variant of 驅|驱[qu1]
  • to expel
  • to urge on
  • to drive
  • to run quickly


驱 stroke order diagram
驱 stroke order animation


逐 qū zhú to expel; to deport; banishment
使 qū shǐ to urge; to prompt; to spur on; to order sb about
动 qū dòng to drive; to propel; drive (vehicle wheel); drive mechanism (tape or disk); device driver (computing software)
xiān qū pioneer
散 qū sàn to disperse; to break up
赶 qū gǎn to drive (vehicle); to drive out; to chase away; to herd (people towards a gate)
除 qū chú to drive off; to dispel; to expel
逐舰 qū zhú jiàn destroyer (warship)
并驾齐 bìng jià qí qū to run neck and neck; to keep pace with; to keep abreast of; on a par with one another
者 xiān qū zhě pioneer
动器 qū dòng qì drive
邪 qū xié to drive out devils; exorcism
直入 cháng qū zhí rù to march straight in unchallenged (military) (idiom); (fig.) to push deep into the heart of sth; to flood in
动力 qū dòng lì driving force
qián qū precursor; pioneer
guāng qū CD or DVD Drive; abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器
寒 qū hán to warm oneself; to expel the cold (TCM)
光盘动器 guāng pán qū dòng qì CD or DVD drive; abbr. to 光驅|光驱
全轮动 quán lún qū dòng all-wheel drive
劣币逐良币 liè bì qū zhú liáng bì bad money drives out good money (economics)
四轮动 sì lún qū dòng four-wheel drive
车 sì qū chē four-by-four (vehicle); 4x4
国际先论坛报 guó jì xiān qū lùn tán bào International Herald Tribune
概念动加工 gài niàn qū dòng jiā gōng concept-driven processing
磁盘动器 cí pán qū dòng qì disk drive
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