HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1850th character |
RADICAL | ⽾ (127.4) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1766 |
plow, cultivate
耕 gēng |

耕地 gēng dì | arable land; to plow land |
耕种 gēng zhòng | to till; to cultivate |
耕耘 gēng yún | plowing and weeding; farm work; fig. to work or study diligently |
耕作 gēng zuò | farming |
耕田 gēng tián | to cultivate soil; to till fields |
笔耕 bǐ gēng | to make a living by writing; to write (as an author) |
刀耕火种 dāo gēng huǒ zhòng | slash and burn (agriculture) |
一分耕耘,一分收获 yī fēn gēng yún , yī fēn shōu huò | you get what you put in; you reap what you sow |
一分耕耘,一分收穫 yī fēn gēng yún , yī fēn shōu huò | you get what you put in; you reap what you sow |
备耕 bèi gēng | to make preparations for plowing and sowing |
備耕 bèi gēng | to make preparations for plowing and sowing |
冬耕 dōng gēng | winter plowing |
刀耕火種 dāo gēng huǒ zhòng | slash and burn (agriculture) |
半自耕农 bàn zì gēng nóng | semi-tenant peasant; semi-owner peasant |
半自耕農 bàn zì gēng nóng | semi-tenant peasant; semi-owner peasant |
可耕地 kě gēng dì | cultivable |
垦耕 kěn gēng | to bring under cultivation (scrubland, marshland etc) |
墾耕 kěn gēng | to bring under cultivation (scrubland, marshland etc) |
春耕 chūn gēng | to plow a field in the spring |
水耕法 shuǐ gēng fǎ | hydroponics |
深耕 shēn gēng | deep plowing; thorough penetration; thorough development (of a market segment etc) |
深耕细作 shēn gēng xì zuò | deep plowing and careful cultivation |
深耕細作 shēn gēng xì zuò | deep plowing and careful cultivation |
浅耕 qiǎn gēng | to scratch; shallow plowing |
淺耕 qiǎn gēng | to scratch; shallow plowing |