tax; give; endow; army; diffuse

HSK 6 #1747


  • tax
  • give
  • endow
  • army
  • diffuse
  • poetic essay
  • taxation
  • to bestow on
  • to endow with



tiān fù gift; innate skill
予 fù yǔ to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to bestow
税 fù shuì taxation
bǐng fù natural endowment; gift
闲 fù xián to stay idle at home; to have resigned from office; to be unemployed; to have been fired; to be on a sabbatical
诗 fù shī to versify; to compose poetry
哀江南 āi jiāng nán fù Lament for the South, long poem in Fu style by Yu Xin 庾信 mourning the passing of Liang of the Southern dynasties 南朝梁朝
异禀 tiān fù yì bǐng extraordinary talent; exceptionally gifted
tián fù land tax
shuì fù tax liability
juān fù to remit levies
cái fù government revenue; tributary goods and finances; finances and taxes; wealth; property; belongings
gòng fù tribute
形剂 fù xíng jì (pharm.) vehicle; excipient
格曲 fù gé qǔ fugue (loanword)
与 fù yǔ variant of 賦予|赋予[fu4 yu3]
洛神 luò shén fù Luo Shen Fu, a famous Chinese painting depicting the beauty of the goddess Luo
能 fù néng empower; to provide the tools, resources, or capabilities necessary for achieving a goal or enhancing performance
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