HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1407th character |
RADICAL | ⽅ (70.10) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3152 |
banner, flag, streamer
- banner, flag, streamer
- flag
- variant of 旗[qi2]
- banner
- (in Qing times) Manchu (cf. 八旗[Ba1 qi2])
- administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county
- CL:面[mian4]

旗帜 qí zhì | ensign; flag |
旗袍 qí páo | Chinese-style dress; cheongsam |
国旗 guó qí | flag (of a country); CL:面[mian4] |
旗子 qí zi | flag; banner; CL:面[mian4] |
旗杆 qí gān | flagpole |
星条旗 xīng tiáo qí | Stars and Stripes, the flag of the United States |
白旗 bái qí | white flag |
旗舰 qí jiàn | flagship |
重整旗鼓 chóng zhěng qí gǔ | lit. to reorganize flags and drums (idiom); to regroup after a setback; to prepare for new initiatives; to attempt a comeback |
大张旗鼓 dà zhāng qí gǔ | with great fanfare |
旗号 qí hào | military banner; flag signal; (fig.) banner (i.e. false pretenses) |
旗鼓相当 qí gǔ xiāng dāng | lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched; roughly comparable (opponents) |
红旗 hóng qí | Red flag city district; Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan; red flag; CL:面[mian4] |
花旗 huā qí | the Stars and Stripes (US flag); by extension, the United States of America; abbr. for Citibank 花旗銀行|花旗银行 |
升旗 shēng qí | to raise a flag; to hoist a flag |
旗语 qí yǔ | flag signals (for communicating between ships or army units); semaphore |
摇旗呐喊 yáo qí nà hǎn | to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on; to give support to |
旗手 qí shǒu | a flag carrier (army); ensign |
战旗 zhàn qí | a war flag; an army banner |
旗开得胜 qí kāi dé shèng | lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have immediate success; success in a single move |
降旗 jiàng qí | to lower a flag; to strike the colors |
队旗 duì qí | team pennant |
区旗 qū qí | district flag |
彩旗 cǎi qí | colored flag |
旌旗 jīng qí | gonfanon; banner |