HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2376th character |
RADICAL | ⽇ (72.5) |
INDEX # | 1477 |
obscure, dark; darken
昧 mèi |

暧昧 ài mèi | vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious |
愚昧 yú mèi | ignorant; uneducated; ignorance |
冒昧 mào mèi | bold; presumptuous; to take the liberty of |
暧昧关系 ài mèi guān xì | shady relationship; affair; adulterous relationship |
愚昧无知 yú mèi wú zhī | stupid and ignorant (idiom) |
素昧平生 sù mèi píng shēng | to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted; a complete stranger; not to know sb from Adam |
蒙昧 méng mèi | uncultured; uncivilized; God-forsaken; ignorant; illiterate |
三昧 sān mèi | Samadhi (Buddhist term) |
拾金不昧 shí jīn bù mèi | to pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return property to its owner |
昧心 mèi xīn | against one's conscience |
暗昧 àn mèi | obscure; remaining unenlightened |
不揣冒昧 bù chuǎi mào mèi | to venture to; to presume to; to take the liberty of |
愚昧無知 yú mèi wú zhī | stupid and ignorant (idiom) |
昧旦 mèi dàn | the time just before daybreak |
昧死 mèi sǐ | to risk one's life |
昧没 mèi mò | veiled; obscure |
昧沒 mèi mò | veiled; obscure |
昧良心 mèi liáng xīn | it goes against one's conscience |
曖昧 ài mèi | vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious |
曖昧關係 ài mèi guān xì | shady relationship; affair; adulterous relationship |
瞒心昧己 mán xīn mèi jǐ | to blot out one's conscience |
瞞心昧己 mán xīn mèi jǐ | to blot out one's conscience |
蒙昧无知 méng mèi wú zhī | benighted (idiom); ignorant |
蒙昧無知 méng mèi wú zhī | benighted (idiom); ignorant |
一昧 yī mèi | blindly; recklessly; without consideration |