HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 980th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2256 |
hall; government office
堂 táng |

天堂 tiān táng | paradise; heaven |
教堂 jiào táng | church; chapel; CL:間|间[jian1] |
课堂 kè táng | classroom; CL:間|间[jian1] |
堂兄 táng xiōng | older male patrilineal cousin |
食堂 shí táng | dining hall; CL:個|个[ge4],間|间[jian1] |
礼堂 lǐ táng | assembly hall; auditorium; CL:座[zuo4],處|处[chu4] |
名堂 míng tang | item (in a program of entertainments); trick (act of mischief); worthwhile result; accomplishment; sth significant but not immediately apparent; sth more than meets the eye |
大堂 dà táng | lobby |
堂弟 táng dì | younger male patrilineal cousin |
礼拜堂 lǐ bài táng | chapel; church (Protestant) |
殿堂 diàn táng | palace; hall; temple buildings |
堂妹 táng mèi | younger female patrilineal cousin |
满堂 mǎn táng | whole audience; a sellout (capacity audience); jam-packed |
堂兄弟 táng xiōng dì | father's brother's sons; paternal male cousin |
堂姐 táng jiě | older female patrilineal cousin |
堂堂 táng táng | grand; magnificent; stately; majestic appearance |
打退堂鼓 dǎ tuì táng gǔ | lit. to beat the return drum (idiom); fig. to give up; to turn tail |
会堂 huì táng | meeting hall; assembly hall |
澡堂 zǎo táng | public baths |
冠冕堂皇 guān miǎn táng huáng | high-sounding; dignified; pompous (idiom) |
欢聚一堂 huān jù yī táng | to gather happily under one roof |
堂堂正正 táng táng zhèng zhèng | displaying strength and discipline; impressive; upright and frank; square |
纪念堂 jì niàn táng | memorial hall; mausoleum |
堂吉诃德 táng jí hē dé | Don Quixote |
富丽堂皇 fù lì táng huáng | (of houses etc) sumptuous (idiom) |