HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2034th character |
RADICAL | ⼓ (20.2) |
INDEX # | 158 |
hook, join, connect; entice
勾 gōu |
勾 gòu |

勾结 gōu jié | to collude with; to collaborate with; to gang up with |
勾引 gōu yǐn | to seduce; to tempt |
勾搭 gōu da | to gang up; to fool around with; to make up to |
勾当 gòu dàng | shady business |
一笔勾销 yī bǐ gōu xiāo | to write off at one stroke |
勾画 gōu huà | to sketch out; to delineate |
勾心斗角 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo | to fight and scheme against each other (idiom); (in palace construction) elaborate and refined |
勾勒 gōu lè | to draw the outline of; to outline; to sketch; to delineate contours of; to give a brief account of |
直勾勾 zhí gōu gōu | (of one's gaze) fixed; staring |
勾股定理 gōu gǔ dìng lǐ | Pythagorean theorem |
勾销 gōu xiāo | to write off; to cancel |
勾兑 gōu duì | to blend various types of wine (or spirits, or fruit juices etc) |
勾肩搭背 gōu jiān dā bèi | arms around each other's shoulders (idiom) |
一筆勾銷 yī bǐ gōu xiāo | to write off at one stroke |
勾三搭四 gōu sān dā sì | to make hanky-panky; to seduce women |
勾人 gōu rén | sexy; seductive |
勾兌 gōu duì | to blend various types of wine (or spirits, or fruit juices etc) |
勾出 gōu chū | to delineate; to articulate; to evoke; to draw out; to tick off |
勾划 gōu huà | to sketch; to delineate |
勾劃 gōu huà | to sketch; to delineate |
勾心鬥角 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo | to fight and scheme against each other (idiom); (in palace construction) elaborate and refined |
勾手 gōu shǒu | to collude with; to collaborate; (basketball) hook shot |
勾拳 gōu quán | hook (punch in boxing) |
勾栏 gōu lán | brothel; theater; carved balustrade |
勾欄 gōu lán | brothel; theater; carved balustrade |