HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1197th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2530 |
aid, assist; lead; cite
援 yuán |

支援 zhī yuán | to provide assistance; to support; to back |
救援 jiù yuán | to save; to support; to help; to assist |
援助 yuán zhù | to help; to support; to aid; aid; assistance |
后援 hòu yuán | reinforcement; back-up; supporting force |
增援 zēng yuán | to reinforce |
援救 yuán jiù | to come to the aid of; to save; to rescue from danger; to relieve |
孤立无援 gū lì wú yuán | isolated and without help |
求援 qiú yuán | to ask for help |
援兵 yuán bīng | reinforcement |
外援 wài yuán | external help; foreign aid |
援引 yuán yǐn | to quote; to cite; to recommend (one's friend's, associates etc) |
声援 shēng yuán | to support (a cause) |
攀援 pān yuán | to climb up (a rope etc); climbing (plant) |
奥援 ào yuán | hidden ally; powerful support; support; backup |
人道救援 rén dào jiù yuán | humanitarian aid |
备援 bèi yuán | backup (Tw) |
備援 bèi yuán | backup (Tw) |
围城打援 wéi chéng dǎ yuán | to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops |
圍城打援 wéi chéng dǎ yuán | to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops |
奧援 ào yuán | hidden ally; powerful support; support; backup |
孤立無援 gū lì wú yuán | isolated and without help |
弹尽援绝 dàn jìn yuán jué | out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits |
彈盡援絕 dàn jìn yuán jué | out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits |
後援 hòu yuán | reinforcement; back-up; supporting force |
应援 yìng yuán | (originally) to provide assistance; (more recently) to show one's support (for a singing idol etc) |