HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1830th character |
RADICAL | ⾨ (169.4) |
INDEX # | 848 |
gloomy, depressed, melancholy
闷 mèn |
闷 mēn |

沉闷 chén mèn | oppressive (of weather); heavy; depressed; not happy; (of sound) dull; muffled |
纳闷儿 nà mèn r | erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4] |
郁闷 yù mèn | gloomy; depressed |
闷闷不乐 mèn mèn bù lè | depressed; sulky; moody; unhappy |
纳闷 nà mèn | puzzled; bewildered |
苦闷 kǔ mèn | depressed; dejected; feeling low |
闷热 mēn rè | sultry; sultriness; hot and stuffy; stifling hot |
解闷 jiě mèn | to relieve boredom or melancholy; a diversion |
生闷气 shēng mèn qì | to seethe; to sulk; to be pissed off (vulgar) |
烦闷 fán mèn | moody; gloomy |
愁闷 chóu mèn | depressed; gloomy |
憋闷 biē men | to feel oppressed; to be depressed; to feel dejected |
逗闷子 dòu mèn zi | (dialect) to joke |
闷声不响 mēn shēng bù xiǎng | to keep silent |
闷声闷气 mēn shēng mēn qì | muffled |
闷声发大财 mēn shēng fā dà cái | to amass wealth while keeping a low profile (idiom) |
闷葫芦 mèn hú lu | lit. closed gourd; fig. enigma; complete mystery; taciturn person |
闷酒 mèn jiǔ | alcohol drunk to drown one's sorrows |
闷雷 mèn léi | muffled thunder; (fig.) sudden shock; blow |
闷骚 mēn sāo | (coll.) outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside |
忧闷 yōu mèn | depressed; full of worries; feeling down |
打闷雷 dǎ mèn léi | (coll.) to wonder secretly; to make wild conjectures |
排闷 pái mèn | to divert oneself from melancholy |
散心解闷 sàn xīn jiě mèn | to divert one's mind from boredom (idiom) |
散闷 sàn mèn | to divert oneself from melancholy |