HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1237th character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3038 |
separate; shield; barricade
障 zhàng |

障碍 zhàng ài | barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment; obstacle |
故障 gù zhàng | malfunction; breakdown; defect; shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment; error; bug (in software) |
保障 bǎo zhàng | to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard |
屏障 píng zhàng | barrier |
路障 lù zhàng | roadblock; barricade |
障碍物 zhàng ài wù | obstacle; hindrance |
障眼法 zhàng yǎn fǎ | diversionary tactic; smokescreen |
白内障 bái nèi zhàng | cataract (ophthalmology) |
一叶障目 yī yè zhàng mù | lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom); fig. not seeing the wider picture; can't see the wood for the trees |
孽障 niè zhàng | evil creature |
一葉障目 yī yè zhàng mù | lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom); fig. not seeing the wider picture; can't see the wood for the trees |
保障监督 bǎo zhàng jiān dū | safeguards |
保障監督 bǎo zhàng jiān dū | safeguards |
分裂情感性障碍 fēn liè qíng gǎn xìng zhàng ài | schizoaffective disorder |
分裂情感性障礙 fēn liè qíng gǎn xìng zhàng ài | schizoaffective disorder |
勃起功能障碍 bó qǐ gōng néng zhàng ài | erectile dysfunction (ED) |
勃起功能障礙 bó qǐ gōng néng zhàng ài | erectile dysfunction (ED) |
性别认同障碍 xìng bié rèn tóng zhàng ài | gender identity disorder (GID); gender dysphoria |
性別認同障礙 xìng bié rèn tóng zhàng ài | gender identity disorder (GID); gender dysphoria |
性同一性障碍 xìng tóng yī xìng zhàng ài | gender identity disorder |
性同一性障礙 xìng tóng yī xìng zhàng ài | gender identity disorder |
技术故障 jì shù gù zhàng | technical breakdown; malfunction |
技術故障 jì shù gù zhàng | technical breakdown; malfunction |
排查故障 pái chá gù zhàng | to troubleshoot; to check components individually for problems; troubleshooting |
故障排除 gù zhàng pái chú | fault resolution; trouble clearing |