cry, sob, weep

HSK 6 #2449


泣 qì
  • to sob



kū qì to weep
chōu qì to sob spasmodically
chuò qì to sob
可歌可 kě gē kě qì lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving; happy and sad; inspiring and tragic
āi qì to wail
bēi qì to weep with grief
如诉 rú qì rú sù lit. as if weeping and complaining (idiom); fig. mournful (music or singing)
tì qì to weep; to shed tears
喜极而 xǐ jí ér qì crying tears of joy (idiom)
喜極而 xǐ jí ér qì crying tears of joy (idiom)
chuí qì to shed tears
如訴 rú qì rú sù lit. as if weeping and complaining (idiom); fig. mournful (music or singing)
掩面而 yǎn miàn ér qì to bury one's head in one's hands and weep (idiom)
谏 qì jiàn to counsel a superior in tears indicating absolute sincerity
諫 qì jiàn to counsel a superior in tears indicating absolute sincerity
牛衣对 niú yī duì qì couple living in destitute misery (idiom)
牛衣對 niú yī duì qì couple living in destitute misery (idiom)
然欲 rán yù qì on the verge of tears; about to cry
不成声 qì bù chéng shēng sobbing soundlessly; crying so much that one cannot even make a sound
音 qì yīn sobbing sound; the sound of someone crying quietly, often with a hushed or trembling quality indicating deep emotion or distress.
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