HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1500th character |
RADICAL | ⽒ (83.0) |
INDEX # | 151 |
clan, family; mister
氏 shì |
氏 zhī |

摄氏度 shè shì dù | °C (degrees Celsius) |
华氏 huá shì | Fahrenheit |
姓氏 xìng shì | family name |
无名氏 wú míng shì | anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc) |
摄氏 shè shì | Celsius; centigrade |
氏族 shì zú | clan |
沙门氏菌 shā mén shì jūn | Salmonella |
里氏 lǐ shì | Richter (scale) |
欧氏 ōu shì | Euclid; abbr. for 歐幾里得|欧几里得 |
卢氏 lú shì | Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan |
普氏 pǔ shì | Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski 普爾熱瓦爾斯基|普尔热瓦尔斯基 (1839-1888), Russian explorer who made four expeditions to Central Asian from 1870 |
罗氏 luó shì | Roche; F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd |
亚伯氏症 yà bó shì zhèng | Apert syndrome |
亞伯氏症 yà bó shì zhèng | Apert syndrome |
亚氏保加 yà shì bǎo jiā | see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3] |
亞氏保加 yà shì bǎo jiā | see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3] |
亨氏 hēng shì | Heinz (name); Heinz, US food processing company |
人氏 rén shì | native; person from a particular place |
伏羲氏 fú xī shì | Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping, and writing |
休氏旋木雀 xiū shì xuán mù què | (bird species of China) Hume's treecreeper (Certhia manipurensis) |
休氏树莺 xiū shì shù yīng | (bird species of China) Hume's bush warbler (Horornis brunnescens) |
休氏樹鶯 xiū shì shù yīng | (bird species of China) Hume's bush warbler (Horornis brunnescens) |
休氏白喉林莺 xiū shì bái hóu lín yīng | (bird species of China) Hume's whitethroat (Sylvia althaea) |
休氏白喉林鶯 xiū shì bái hóu lín yīng | (bird species of China) Hume's whitethroat (Sylvia althaea) |
伤寒沙门氏菌 shāng hán shā mén shì jūn | salmonella typhimurium |