HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2077th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.18) |
STROKES | 20 |
INDEX # | 3486 |
pour; water; irrigate, flood
灌 guàn |

灌溉 guàn gài | to irrigate |
灌输 guàn shū | to imbue with; to inculcate; to instill into; to teach; to impart; to channel water to another place |
灌醉 guàn zuì | to fuddle; to befuddle; to inebriate; to get someone drunk |
灌木丛 guàn mù cóng | shrub; shrubbery |
灌木 guàn mù | bush; shrub |
灌肠 guàn cháng | enema; to give an enema |
灌肠 guàn chang | sausage with a starchy filling |
灌注 guàn zhù | to pour into; perfusion (med.); to concentrate one's attention on; to teach; to inculcate; to instill |
浇灌 jiāo guàn | to water; to irrigate |
醍醐灌顶 tí hú guàn dǐng | lit. to anoint your head with the purest cream (idiom); fig. to enlighten people with perfect wisdom; flawless Buddhist teaching |
倒灌 dào guàn | to flow backwards (of water, because of flood, tide, wind etc); reverse flow; to back up (sewage) |
滴灌 dī guàn | drip irrigation; to irrigate by drip feed |
灌渠 guàn qú | irrigation channel |
全神灌注 quán shén guàn zhù | variant of 全神貫注|全神贯注[quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4] |
地面灌溉 dì miàn guàn gài | surface irrigation |
戳心灌髓 chuō xīn guàn suǐ | sarcasm |
春灌 chūn guàn | spring irrigation |
沃灌 wò guàn | to irrigate; to wash with water |
海水倒灌 hǎi shuǐ dào guàn | saltwater intrusion |
淤灌 yū guàn | to warp (fertilize land by flooding) |
淹灌 yān guàn | basin irrigation (e.g. paddy fields) |
满堂灌 mǎn táng guàn | cramming (as a teaching method); rote learning |
滿堂灌 mǎn táng guàn | cramming (as a teaching method); rote learning |
澆灌 jiāo guàn | to water; to irrigate |
灌区 guàn qū | area under irrigation |