HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 3329th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.13) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3320 |
buds, unopened flowers
蕾 lěi |

花蕾 huā lěi | bud; flower bud |
芭蕾 bā lěi | ballet (loanword) |
芭蕾舞 bā lěi wǔ | ballet (loanword) |
味蕾 wèi lěi | taste bud(s) |
蓓蕾 bèi lěi | flower bud; young flower still tightly rolled up |
舒芙蕾 shū fú lěi | soufflé (loanword) |
克蕾儿 kè lěi r | Clare (name) |
克蕾兒 kè lěi r | Clare (name) |
卡纳蕾 kǎ nà lěi | canelé (a French pastry) (loanword) |
卡納蕾 kǎ nà lěi | canelé (a French pastry) (loanword) |
埃蕾 āi lěi | centaury herb with flowers (TCM); Herba Centaurii altaici cum flore |
性蕾期 xìng lěi qī | phallic stage (psychology) |
杜蕾斯 dù lěi sī | Durex, a condom brand name |
水上芭蕾 shuǐ shàng bā lěi | synchronized swimming |
艾德蕾德 ài dé lěi dé | variant of 阿德萊德|阿德莱德, Adelaide, capital of South Australia |
蕾哈娜 lěi hā nà | Rihanna (1988-), Barbadian pop singer |
蕾丝 lěi sī | lace (loanword) (textiles) |
蕾絲 lěi sī | lace (loanword) (textiles) |
蕾丝花边 lěi sī huā biān | lace border (loanword) |
蕾絲花邊 lěi sī huā biān | lace border (loanword) |
蕾丝边 lěi sī biān | lesbian (slang) (loanword) |
蕾絲邊 lěi sī biān | lesbian (slang) (loanword) |
蔷薇花蕾 qiáng wēi huā lěi | rosebud |
薔薇花蕾 qiáng wēi huā lěi | rosebud |
吉娜蕾蒙多 jí nà léi méng duō | Gina Raimondo |