HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1381st character |
RADICAL | ⼻ (60.8) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2704 |
drive, ride; chariot; manage
御 yù |

防御 fáng yù | defense; to defend |
抵御 dǐ yù | to resist; to withstand |
御医 yù yī | imperial physician |
御用 yù yòng | for use by the emperor; imperial; (derog.) in the pay of the ruler |
驾御 jià yù | variant of 駕馭|驾驭[jia4 yu4] |
防御工事 fáng yù gōng shì | fortification; defensive structure |
御寒 yù hán | to defend against the cold; to keep warm |
统御 tǒng yù | control |
御赐 yù cì | to be bestowed, conferred, or granted by the emperor |
兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮 xiōng dì xì yú qiáng , wài yù qí wǔ | internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside (idiom) |
太平御览 tài píng yù lǎn | Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era, general Song dynasty encyclopedia compiled during 977-983 under Li Fang 李昉[Li3 Fang3], 1000 scrolls |
太平御覽 tài píng yù lǎn | Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era, general Song dynasty encyclopedia compiled during 977-983 under Li Fang 李昉[Li3 Fang3], 1000 scrolls |
守御 shǒu yù | to defend |
御便当 yù biàn dāng | (Tw) bento; lunch box |
御便當 yù biàn dāng | (Tw) bento; lunch box |
御史 yù shǐ | imperial censor (formal title of a dynastic official) |
御宅族 yù zhái zú | otaku, a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests such as anime, manga, and video games; see also 宅男[zhai2 nan2]; see also 宅女[zhai2 nu:3] |
御宝 yù bǎo | imperial seal |
御寶 yù bǎo | imperial seal |
御弟 yù dì | emperor's young brother |
御戎 yù róng | (military) chariot driver (old) |
御手 yù shǒu | the emperor's hand; variant of 馭手|驭手[yu4 shou3] |
御用大律师 yù yòng dà lǜ shī | Queen's Counsel |
御用大律師 yù yòng dà lǜ shī | Queen's Counsel |
御膳房 yù shàn fáng | imperial kitchen |