
lift, raise; stir

HSK 6 #2468


掀 xiān
  • to lift (a lid)
  • to rock
  • to convulse



起 xiān qǐ to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign)
翻 xiān fān to turn sth over; to overturn
开 xiān kāi to lift open; to tear open
动 xiān dòng to stir; to lift; to set sth in motion
動 xiān dòng to stir; to lift; to set sth in motion
天揭地 xiān tiān jiē dì earth-shattering
掉 xiān diào to remove; to tear off
涌 xiān yǒng to seethe; to bubble up
背车 xiān bèi chē hatchback
背車 xiān bèi chē hatchback
開 xiān kāi to lift open; to tear open
风鼓浪 xiān fēng gǔ làng to raise a storm; to stir up trouble; to instigate
風鼓浪 xiān fēng gǔ làng to raise a storm; to stir up trouble; to instigate
腾 xiān téng to surge up; raging (billows)
騰 xiān téng to surge up; raging (billows)
牌 xiān pái to flip cards
飞 xiān fēi to flip and make fly; refers to the action of forcefully lifting or flipping something into the air
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