HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2097th character |
RADICAL | ⼥ (38.3) |
INDEX # | 526 |
absurd, foolish, reckless; false
妄 wàng |

妄想 wàng xiǎng | to attempt vainly; a vain attempt; delusion |
轻举妄动 qīng jǔ wàng dòng | to act blindly without thinking (idiom) |
狂妄 kuáng wàng | egotistical; arrogant; brassy |
狂妄自大 kuáng wàng zì dà | arrogant and conceited |
痴心妄想 chī xīn wàng xiǎng | to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom); to labor under a delusion; wishful thinking |
妄图 wàng tú | to try in vain; futile attempt |
妄自尊大 wàng zì zūn dà | ridiculous self-importance (idiom); arrogance |
妄动 wàng dòng | to rush indiscriminately into action |
妄自菲薄 wàng zì fěi bó | to be unduly humble (idiom); to undervalue oneself |
妄称 wàng chēng | to make a false and unwarranted declaration |
胆大妄为 dǎn dà wàng wéi | daring; presumptuous; daredevil |
恣意妄为 zì yì wàng wéi | to behave unscrupulously |
妄言 wàng yán | lies; wild talk; to tell lies; to talk nonsense; fantasy (literature) |
虚妄 xū wàng | fabricated |
妄语 wàng yǔ | to tell lies; to talk nonsense |
谵妄 zhān wàng | delirium |
妄下雌黄 wàng xià cí huáng | to alter a text indiscriminately (idiom); to make irresponsible criticism |
妄下雌黃 wàng xià cí huáng | to alter a text indiscriminately (idiom); to make irresponsible criticism |
妄人 wàng rén | presumptuous and ignorant person |
妄動 wàng dòng | to rush indiscriminately into action |
妄取 wàng qǔ | to take sth without permission |
妄圖 wàng tú | to try in vain; futile attempt |
妄念 wàng niàn | wild fantasy; unwarranted thought |
妄想狂 wàng xiǎng kuáng | paranoia; megalomaniac |
妄想症 wàng xiǎng zhèng | delusional disorder; (fig.) paranoia |