HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2333rd character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.13) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3269 |
stiff and motionless, stock still
- stiff and motionless, stock still
- rigid
- deadlock
- stiff (corpse)
- variant of 僵[jiang1]

僵硬 jiāng yìng | stiff; rigid |
僵尸 jiāng shī | gyonshi; jiang shi; Chinese vampire; zombie |
冻僵 dòng jiāng | frozen stiff; numb with cold |
僵局 jiāng jú | impasse; deadlock |
僵直 jiāng zhí | stiff; rigid; inflexible |
僵持 jiāng chí | to be deadlocked |
僵化 jiāng huà | to become rigid |
弄僵 nòng jiāng | to bring to deadlock; to result in a stalemate |
僵住 jiāng zhù | motionless; unable to move |
僵住症 jiāng zhù zhèng | catalepsy |
僵固性 jiāng gù xìng | rigidity |
僵尸网络 jiāng shī wǎng luò | botnet; zombie network; slave network (used by spammers) |
僵屍網絡 jiāng shī wǎng luò | botnet; zombie network; slave network (used by spammers) |
僵尸车 jiāng shī chē | (coll.) abandoned car |
僵屍車 jiāng shī chē | (coll.) abandoned car |
僵卧 jiāng wò | to lie rigid and motionless |
僵臥 jiāng wò | to lie rigid and motionless |
凍僵 dòng jiāng | frozen stiff; numb with cold |
尸僵 shī jiāng | rigor mortis |
屍僵 shī jiāng | rigor mortis |
李代桃僵 lǐ dài táo jiāng | lit. the plum tree withers in place of the peach tree; to substitute one thing for another; to carry the can for sb |
核僵持 hé jiāng chí | nuclear equipoise; nuclear stalemate |
死而不僵 sǐ ér bù jiāng | dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis; to die hard (idiom); to die yet not be vanquished (idiom) |
僵尸粉 jiāng shǐ fěn | "zombie fans", fake followers that can be bought to boost one's popularity on Weibo, Baidu etc |
白僵蚕 bái jiāng cán | the larva of silkworm with batrytis |