HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1442nd character |
RADICAL | ⾬ (173.8) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3337 |
quickly, suddenly; surname
霍 huò |

挥霍 huī huò | to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile |
霍华德 huò huá dé | Howard (name) |
霍乱 huò luàn | cholera |
霍格沃茨 huò gé wò cí | Hogwarts (Harry Potter) |
霍布斯 huò bù sī | Hobbs (name) |
霍夫曼 huò fū màn | Hofmann or Hoffman (name); August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1818-1892), German chemist; Dustin Hoffman (1937-), US film actor |
霍金斯 huò jīn sī | Hawkins (name); also written 霍金 |
霍尔 huò ěr | Hall (name) |
霍华得 huò huá dé | Howard (name) |
霍金 huò jīn | Hawkins or Hawking; Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), English theoretical physicist |
霍顿 huò dùn | Hotton, Holden, Wharton, Houghton etc (name) |
霍洛维茨 huò luò wéi cí | Horowitz (name) |
磨刀霍霍 mó dāo huò huò | lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom); fig. to prepare to attack; to be getting ready for battle |
鄂霍次克海 è huò cì kè hǎi | Sea of Okhotsk |
霍山 huò shān | Huoshan county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui |
霍尔木兹 huò ěr mù zī | Hormuz, Iran, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf |
伊金霍洛 yī jīn huò luò | Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia |
伊金霍洛旗 yī jīn huò luò qí | Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia |
埃因霍温 āi yīn huò wēn | Eindhoven (city in the Netherlands) |
埃因霍溫 āi yīn huò wēn | Eindhoven (city in the Netherlands) |
库肯霍夫公园 kù kěn huò fū gōng yuán | Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands |
庫肯霍夫公園 kù kěn huò fū gōng yuán | Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands |
弗朗索瓦・霍兰德 fú lǎng suǒ wǎ ・ huò lán dé | François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, president of France 2012-2017; also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2] |
弗朗索瓦・霍蘭德 fú lǎng suǒ wǎ ・ huò lán dé | François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, president of France 2012-2017; also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2] |
揮霍 huī huò | to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile |