HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1897th character |
RADICAL | ⽦ (103.7) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2804 |
neglect; careless, lax
- neglect
- careless, lax
- variant of 疏[shu1]
- surname Shu
- to dredge
- to clear away obstruction
- thin
- sparse
- scanty
- distant (relation)
- not close
- to neglect
- negligent
- to present a memorial to the Emperor
- commentary
- annotation

疏远 shū yuǎn | to drift apart; to become estranged; to alienate; estrangement |
疏忽 shū hu | to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness |
生疏 shēng shū | unfamiliar; strange; out of practice; not accustomed |
疏散 shū sàn | to scatter; to disperse; to evacuate; scattered; to relax |
疏通 shū tōng | to unblock; to dredge; to clear the way; to get things flowing; to facilitate; to mediate; to lobby; to explicate (a text) |
疏漏 shū lòu | to slip; to overlook by negligence; careless omission; oversight |
疏松 shū sōng | to loosen |
稀疏 xī shū | sparse; infrequent; thinly spread |
疏于 shū yú | to fail to pay sufficient attention to; to be negligent in regard to; to be lacking in |
疏忽大意 shū hu dà yì | oversight; negligence; careless; negligent; not concentrating on the main point |
疏导 shū dǎo | to dredge; to open up a path for; to remove obstructions; to clear the way; to enlighten; persuasion |
骨质疏松症 gǔ zhì shū sōng zhèng | osteoporosis |
疏失 shū shī | to make a (careless) mistake; oversight |
疏解 shū jiě | to mediate; to mitigate; to ease; to relieve |
疏浚 shū jùn | to dredge |
疏理 shū lǐ | to clarify (disparate material into a coherent narrative); to marshal an argument |
疏落 shū luò | sparse; scattered |
荒疏 huāng shū | to be out of practice; rusty |
上疏 shàng shū | (of a court official) to present a memorial to the emperor (old) |
仗义疏财 zhàng yì shū cái | to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy |
仗義疏財 zhàng yì shū cái | to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy |
天网恢恢,疏而不失 tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù shī | lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law |
天網恢恢,疏而不失 tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù shī | lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law |
天网恢恢,疏而不漏 tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu | lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law |
天網恢恢,疏而不漏 tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu | lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law |