
neglect; careless, lax

HSK 6 #1897


  • neglect
  • careless, lax
  • variant of 疏[shu1]
  • surname Shu
  • to dredge
  • to clear away obstruction
  • thin
  • sparse
  • scanty
  • distant (relation)
  • not close
  • to neglect
  • negligent
  • to present a memorial to the Emperor
  • commentary
  • annotation


疏 stroke order diagram
疏 stroke order animation


学浅 cái shū xué qiǎn (humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,...
學淺 cái shū xué qiǎn (humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,...
暗香影 àn xiāng shū yǐng (poetic depiction of plum blossom)
法网灰灰,而不漏 fǎ wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu The net of justice is wide, but no-one escapes.
法網灰灰,而不漏 fǎ wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu The net of justice is wide, but no-one escapes.
谋少略 shū móu shǎo lüè unable to plan; inept at strategy (idiom)
不见亲 shū bù jiàn qīn lit. casual aquaintances should not come between relatives; blood is thicker than water (idiom)
不見親 shū bù jiàn qīn lit. casual aquaintances should not come between relatives; blood is thicker than water (idiom)
剪 shū jiǎn to prune
勒 shū lè Shule ancient name for modern Kashgar; Shule county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
勒国 shū lè guó Shule, oasis state in central Asia (near modern Kashgar) at different historical periods
勒國 shū lè guó Shule, oasis state in central Asia (near modern Kashgar) at different historical periods
勒县 shū lè xiàn Shule county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
勒縣 shū lè xiàn Shule county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
導 shū dǎo to dredge; to open up a path for; to remove obstructions; to clear the way; to enlighten; persuasion
忽职守 shū hū zhí shǒu to neglect one's duties
忽職守 shū hū zhí shǒu to neglect one's duties
懒 shū lǎn indolent; careless
懶 shū lǎn indolent; careless
挖 shū wā to dredge; to dig out (a channel)
放 shū fàng eccentric; self-indulgent; free and unconventional (written style); unbuttoned
散措施 shū sàn cuò shī evacuation; measures to evacuate a building in an emergency
於 shū yú to fail to pay sufficient attention to; to be negligent in regard to; to be lacking in
于防范 shū yú fáng fàn to neglect to take precautions; relaxed vigilance
於防範 shū yú fáng fàn to neglect to take precautions; relaxed vigilance