

HSK 6 #3570


拌 bàn
  • to mix
  • to mix in
  • to toss (a salad)


拌 stroke order diagram
拌 stroke order animation


jiǎo bàn to stir; to agitate
机 jiǎo bàn jī blender; food mixer
liáng bàn salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)
嘴 bàn zuǐ to bicker; to squabble; to quarrel
和 bàn huò to mix and stir; to blend
嘴斗舌 bàn zuǐ dòu shé to quarrel
嘴鬥舌 bàn zuǐ dòu shé to quarrel
炒 bàn chǎo to stir-fry
种 bàn zhǒng seed dressing
種 bàn zhǒng seed dressing
蒜 bàn suàn to stagger (walk unsteadily)
饭 bàn fàn bibimbap (Korean cuisine)
飯 bàn fàn bibimbap (Korean cuisine)
面 bàn miàn noodles served with soy sauce; sesame butter etc
麵 bàn miàn noodles served with soy sauce; sesame butter etc
jiǎo bàn to stir; to agitate
機 jiǎo bàn jī blender; food mixer
liáng bàn salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)
zá bàn assortment of preserved fruits; (fig.) hodgepodge
zá bàn assortment of preserved fruits; (fig.) hodgepodge
儿 zá bàn r erhua variant of 雜拌|杂拌[za2 ban4]
兒 zá bàn r erhua variant of 雜拌|杂拌[za2 ban4]
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