
disturb, agitate, stir up

HSK 6 #2679


  • disturb, agitate, stir up
  • to disturb
  • to annoy
  • to mix
  • to stir



拌 jiǎo bàn to stir; to agitate
dǎ jiǎo to disturb; to trouble
和 jiǎo huo to mix; to blend; (fig.) to spoil; to mess up things; to run around with (sb); to get involved with; to mix (with other people)
乱 jiǎo luàn to disrupt; to throw into disorder
拌机 jiǎo bàn jī blender; food mixer
动 jiǎo dòng to mix; to stir
蛮缠 hú jiǎo mán chán to pester endlessly (idiom); an annoying troublemaker
混 jiǎo hun to mix; to blend
扰 jiǎo rǎo to disturb; to annoy
hú jiǎo to disturb; to pester
基 jiǎo jī see 搞基[gao3 ji1]
局 jiǎo jú to upset the apple cart; to disrupt things
屎棍 jiǎo shǐ gùn (derog.) shit-stirrer; troublemaker
珠机 jiǎo zhū jī lottery machine
fān jiǎo to stir up; to turn over
sāo jiǎo to disturb; to pester
弄 jiǎo nòng to stir up or to agitate; refers to the act of mixing or causing turbulence, often used metaphorically for causing disruption or commotion
成 jiǎo chéng to stir into; to mix into; to disrupt into
浑 jiǎo hún to mix up; to stir up; to confuse
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