HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1273rd character |
RADICAL | ⽧ (104.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2028 |
illness, disease, sickness; to hate
疾 jí |

疾病 jí bìng | disease; sickness; ailment |
残疾 cán jí | disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal |
残疾人 cán jí rén | disabled person |
疟疾 nüè jí | malaria |
痢疾 lì ji | dysentery |
疾苦 jí kǔ | pain and difficulties; suffering (of the people) |
大声疾呼 dà shēng jí hū | to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention; to make one's views known |
疾驰 jí chí | to speed along |
疾风 jí fēng | storm; gale; strong wind; flurry; blast |
恶疾 è jí | unpleasant ailment; foul disease |
痛心疾首 tòng xīn jí shǒu | bitter and hateful (idiom); to grieve and lament (over sth) |
疾走 jí zǒu | to scamper; to scurry |
迅疾 xùn jí | rapid; swift |
疾速 jí sù | very fast; at high speed |
顽疾 wán jí | ineradicable disease; fig. deep-seated problem; perennial problem |
奋笔疾书 fèn bǐ jí shū | to write at a tremendous speed |
疾恶如仇 jí wù rú chóu | to hate evil as one hates an enemy (idiom) |
疾步 jí bù | at a fast pace |
隐疾 yǐn jí | an unmentionable illness (e.g. venereal disease) |
不疾不徐 bù jí bù xú | neither too fast nor too slow (idiom) |
中国残疾人联合会 zhōng guó cán jí rén lián hé huì | China Disabled Persons' Federation |
中國殘疾人聯合會 zhōng guó cán jí rén lián hé huì | China Disabled Persons' Federation |
大聲疾呼 dà shēng jí hū | to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention; to make one's views known |
奮筆疾書 fèn bǐ jí shū | to write at a tremendous speed |
宿疾 sù jí | chronic ailment |