HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2611th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.2) |
INDEX # | 241 |
exhort or enjoin repeatedly
- exhort or enjoin repeatedly
- to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee etc)
- to say repeatedly
- to urge insistently
- to ask repeatedly
- to stick to a point
- (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound

叮嘱 dīng zhǔ | to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again |
叮当 dīng dāng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮咚 dīng dōng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮叮当当 dīng dīng dāng dāng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮咛 dīng níng | to warn; to urge; to exhort; to give instructions carefully and insistently |
千叮万嘱 qiān dīng wàn zhǔ | repeatedly urging; imploring over and over again |
千叮萬囑 qiān dīng wàn zhǔ | repeatedly urging; imploring over and over again |
半瓶水响叮当 bàn píng shuǐ xiǎng dīng dāng | lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound (idiom); fig. empty vessels make the most noise; one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest |
半瓶水響叮噹 bàn píng shuǐ xiǎng dīng dāng | lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound (idiom); fig. empty vessels make the most noise; one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest |
叮叮 dīng dīng | (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound |
叮叮噹噹 dīng dīng dāng dāng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮叮猫 dīng dīng māo | (dialect) dragonfly |
叮叮貓 dīng dīng māo | (dialect) dragonfly |
叮咬 dīng yǎo | sting; bite (of insect) |
叮问 dīng wèn | to question closely; to make a detailed inquiry; to probe; to ask repeatedly |
叮問 dīng wèn | to question closely; to make a detailed inquiry; to probe; to ask repeatedly |
叮噹 dīng dāng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮当声 dīng dāng shēng | tinkle |
叮噹聲 dīng dāng shēng | tinkle |
叮当响 dīng dāng xiǎng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮噹響 dīng dāng xiǎng | (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound |
叮嚀 dīng níng | to warn; to urge; to exhort; to give instructions carefully and insistently |
叮囑 dīng zhǔ | to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again |
叮铃 dīng líng | jingle |
叮鈴 dīng líng | jingle |